Highlight of the week: I lounged around and read all weekend 😃
Looking forward to: my camas and allium bulbs blooming — another couple weeks I guess?
Stuff I did:
- 14 hours consulting — illustration work, which I had been anxious about but had fun doing even if I’m not 100% happy yet
- Shipped off the signed contract for the new project ✍️
- Felt so good to have a book binge weekend — my brain is getting closer to normal 🙌
- Had a chat about environmental work with someone who found my website on nownownow.org
- Ate inside a restaurant for I think the third time since the pandemic started? Went to our favorite sit-down Mexican place at 5:30 to beat the dinner rush — somewhat successful. (Supposedly COVID numbers are lowish now, but will probably rise again in summer 🤷♀️)
- Met up with two friends for walks 🚶♀️🚶♂️ Still not quite up for our normal distance but I made it twice as far as last week 🦾
- Did a print swap with Joe! 🖼️
- Went to Homebrew Website Club
- One virtual appointment
- Mediterranean chickpea soup + gremolata
- Thai takeout — Panang curry + white rice + pad thai + Coke
- Butternut squash ravioli + portabello mushroom ravioli + store bought pesto + kale salad with homemade poppyseed dressing (that the cat put his paw in the leftovers before I could wrap up 🤦♀️)
- Mexican restaurant – camarones mexicanos
- Farro with kale and tomatoes
- Taco Time fish taco
- Grocery deli pesto lasagna
- Read:
- Once More Upon a Time by Rokshani Chokshi 👍
- The Renegade Akseli Cyborg by Dianne Duvall
- Judge Dee and the Limits of the Law by Lavie Tidhar
- Rescued by Quiyaan by Tamsin Ley
- Stone Cold Cyborg by Cara Bristol
- The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark
- Strikethrough! by Silas Munro
- Steering the Craft by Ursula K. LeGuin
- Re-read Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt
- Started reading Come Together by Emily Nagoski
- Ordered Woven by Joshua Barkman
- DNF’d The Path of Thorns by A G. Slatter and The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord
Words I looked up / concepts I learned:
Pretty stuff I saw:
- this Soviet wall mosaic
- The Great Divide by Gabriel Esteban Molina
New music I listened to:
- ISOxo – inhuman 👍
- Power Glove – 2043
- Feist and Ben Gibbard – Train Song
Website changes:
- Updated my writing and capitalism question pages